jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Benefits of having dog

10 benefits of having dog demonstrated científicamente:

1) The persons who have a dog fall ill less.

The humanity is in the middle of a war against the gérmenes. In fact, the quantity of disinfectant that we use is making us weaker opposite to the gérmenes: our body is exhibited at least gérmenes and does not construct enough immunities them.
Fortunately, the dogs are covered of gérmenes. To have a dog in the house means more bacteria in the hearth and therefore its occupants are more exposed to them (I study on “the biodiversity related to the dog“, especially high in the cases of the pillow). Due to this, the persons with dogs seem to fall ill with less frequency and less severely than the persons that they have no dog.

2) The persons who have a dog are more resistant to the allergies.

While the dogs can be one of the worst factors desencadenantes for the persons with allergies, grow in a house with a dog does that the children are less inclined to develop allergies in the course of its lives. Source

3) The persons who have a dog are happier.

The dogs' proprietors are less inclined to suffer of depression that not pets owners. Even for those persons who develop a clinical depression, to have a pet can help them to leave of a major depressive episode of a more effective way even that the medication. To assume the care of a dog needs a routine and forces you to remain a little active.
The interaction and the love received from a dog also can help the persons to stay positive. Even the simple act of looking at its pet increases the quantity of oxitocina, the chemical substance that does that your brain feels good.

4) The persons who have a dog have a more healthy heart.

The alone fact of caressing a dog reduces the cardiac frequency and the blood pressure. A Chinese study thought that the persons who have a dog manage to sleep better in the night and fall ill with less frequency. Other studies show that the pets proprietors have lightly more under the cholesterol and have more probabilities of surviving a heart attack.

5) The persons who have a dog do more exercise.

To have a dog implies airing it. This means that most of the dogs' proprietors expire with the recommended quantity of a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day.

6) The persons who have a dog have a more active social life.

The surveys show that the people who has dogs trust more in those persons who also have dogs and therefore they are more inclined to interact with them. Even if you live alone / or, to have a dog has the same emotional benefit as that of a human friendship.

7) The dogs can detect the cancer.

Your dog might save your life one day. It seems that our canine friends have the aptitude to smell the cancer in the human body. There abound the histories of the dogs' owners that smell or lick a spot or a bundle in its bodies and that later it turned out to be a cancer. The anecdotal evidence was endorsed later by scientific studies. The dogs are so good in this that some of them are trained to detect the cancer in only three hours.

8) The dog is a reflex of the personality of the proprietor

The type of dog that has the people says very much on its personality. A study in England found a very clear interrelation between the personalities of the people and its types of dogs, for example, persons that small dogs were possessing were tending to be more intelligent. Other studies have thought that the dogs' proprietors in general are more extrovert and friendly than the cats proprietors.

9) The dogs diminish the stress in the work.

The benefits of a dog leads to the work are more and more clear and there are already companies that are allowing to have dogs in the work. The studies demonstrate that the persons who interact with a pet while they work have less stress levels during the day.

10) To finish, to have a dog it is beneficial because it gives you moments as this one:

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